Ourrxskin has a simple shipping policy for all orders placed on our website, with no exceptions.

We ship only to Indian zip codes at present. If you are located outside India and would like to know how to get Plum, shoot us an email at care@ourrxskin.com to help us explore ways to get products to your country.

We offer FREE Shipping on all orders above a minimum, which is notified from time to time. We also provide Cash-On-Delivery to many locations. You should consider the shipping rates shown at check-out to be final.

Orders placed before 1 PM are shipped the same day, and orders received after 1 PM are shipped the next day. We may take a little longer to ship your order in rare cases. In case of any delay, we will keep you informed.

We ship Monday to Saturday, excluding public holidays. Transit time to locations depends on courier loads, local conditions, and various other factors, although we estimate a 2-4 day transit time in most cases.

We only ship through reputed courier agencies to ensure that your order reaches you in the fastest time and good condition. Our current panel of couriers includes Blue Dart, FedEx, Aramex, Delhivery, Ecom Express & DTDC. We pick the most reliable (and not necessarily the least expensive) shipping partner for each location.

While we shall strive to ship all items in your order together, this may not always be possible due to product characteristics or availability.

Each order may be shipped only to a single destination address specified at the time of payment for that order. If you wish to ship products to different addresses, you will have to place multiple orders.

If you believe that the product is not in good condition, or if the packaging is tampered with or damaged, before accepting delivery of the goods, please refuse to take delivery of the package, and call us on +91 90419 29175 or send us an email at care@ourrxskin.com, mentioning your order reference number. We shall do our best to ensure that a replacement delivery is made to you at the earliest.

Please note that all items (including gifts) will be shipped with an invoice mentioning the price, as per Indian Tax Regulations.

We try to accommodate special requests (such as expedited delivery, delivery at certain times of the day, deferred delivery), but we cannot guarantee that our courier partners will fulfill these requests. If you aren’t sure, we encourage you to call us before placing your order.